AI for Good Foundation
AI Company Name
Non-profit Organization Management
Company Overview
Chartered in 2016, the AI for Good Foundation is 501(c)3 Public Charity that fosters activities to maximize the benefit of AI technologies for social good through the lens of global sustainable development. Donate or become a member today, and help us to make the world a better place with Artificial Intelligence!
Business Genre
AISB Society
AI Company Name
Business Genre
AllSeen Alliance
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Consumer Electronics
Company Overview
The AllSeen Alliance provides an open source IoT framework for the Internet of Everything. It is the broadest cross-industry consortium dedicated to driving the widespread adoption of products, systems and services that support the Internet of Everything with an open, universal development framework that is supported by a vibrant ecosystem and thriving technical community.
AI Company Name
Higher Education
Company Overview
The Australasian Language Technology Association promotes language technology research and development in Australia and New Zealand. ALTA organises regular events for the exchange of research results and for academic and industrial training, and co-ordinates activities with other professional societies.
AI Company Name
Business Genre
AI Company Name
Business Genre
Bletchley Park
AI Company Name
Marketing & Advertising
Company Overview
Welcome to the Home of Beautiful Problems.One doesn’t often put the words ‘Problem’ and ‘Beautiful’ together, let alone try and derive any meaning from their union. But we at Bletchley Park find great joy in our mantra “Beautiful Problems”. You see, what gets us up in the morning is the excitement of finding and solving your Beautiful Problems. Ironically, the very same brand and business problems that keep you up at night
Business Genre